Seasons of Life

Everything has to go through seasons.
There’s a lot that we can learn from nature, particularly with maintaining the balance of our minds and balance of cycles in our lives. There's a time to sow seeds that very exciting. Because it's a time of play and we can explore possibility. That's our spring. When summer arrives it's time to work. That is when the heat is high and we experience the pressure of maintaining all that we've prepared. It's beautiful because we're starting to see things growing, but there's also the growth of weeds. We have to expend the effort to pull those and protect what we're cultivating. Finally fall arrives, the harvest season! The vegetables and all of the things that we've worked all season long to experience are now manifested. It's a beautiful high. Next comes the season where you get relief and can let things rest. That’s what’s critical. We have to realize that rest is productive. In the winter although it looks like everything is dead and nothing is happening- there actually is- but it's underneath the surface. It’s still productive and there’s still life... But it’s a different kind of movement. It's slower, its restorative, it's building back up, it's necessary.
So I want us to look at our rest and our periods of regeneration in the same way. It’s critically important that we prioritize those periods for ourselves- especially as women. I want us to be reminded to make sure that we’re always approaching our lives from a place of balance as best that we can. 🌺
~ Shayba