Salsaal Ring Waitlist

They're beautiful, they're tactile, they're comfortable, they're timeless, they look great with everything, you can stack them, wear them as midi rings, etc etc etc... But what's most special about these is their powerful spiritual meaning. Scroll down if you'd like to read more on that.
When I designed this Salsaal ('mud in Arabic) piece, I meditated on the foundational characteristic of 'humility'. To be humble is to remove ego & open up to receive. The form of such a piece needed to appear texturally soft & open to impression, like mud. Mud is a foundational element often overlooked for its immense value of purification. As with mud masks, it purifies the skin. In Islam we perform 'wudu' (ablution) and bathe ourselves to purify our minds and bodies for prayer. But in the absence of water, pure earth is to be used. Even for animals, dirt is also used to cleanse in the absence of water. Children are perfect receivers because they are pure and humble in spirit. At this foundational stage of life, we dream without limitation & explore without fear. This blance of humility creates a clear mind that thinks no less or more of itself than it should. My intention for the Mud Collection is to serve as a reminder that the fountain of youth is in our humility. It reshapes our hearts & renews our vision to see reality clearly. To see our value, each other’s value, and become like children. |