The Color of Brass

There's an entire world of possibility in jewelry design that few know exist... and the options are boundless. For instance, creating with a unique metal like brass. Though it has ancient use, it typically isn't as common as gold or silver which prompts questions and curiosity.
'the pieces truly feel plucked out from another time or era...'
Mahnal's jewelry is almost exclusively solid brass. Of which there's an expansive range of tones that it can be found in. Similar to gold (ie. white gold, rose gold, etc), there is bronze, red brass, and our favorite: yellow brass. Yellow brass is our medium of choice at Mahnal because of its beautifully unique tone.
One of the most important elements for us in design is: timelessness. So much of what inspires Mahnal are the classic adornments from ancient cultures. What add to the beauty of brass is its ability to change in tone over time. It develops a patina that causes that yellow tone to become deeper and richer and really capture that old world essence. The pieces truly feel plucked out from another time or era. Such characteristics lend to the creation of jewelry that never goes out of style- but become precious heirlooms.